Larkin (1976) より関係節の will について


Larkin, Don (1976). "Some notes on English modals," in J. D. McCawley (ed.) Syntax and Semantics, vol. 7: Note from the Linguistic Underground, Academic Press, New York. (1976), pp. 387-398.

発話時点からみてひとしく「未来」の出来事であっても,関係節に法助動詞 will を使う場合と使わない(使えない)場合とがあります.この使い分けに関連して,ラーキン (Larkin) は興味深い観察をしています(大昔の文献ですが):

A variety of terms, such as "future", "volitional", "characteristic", "habitual ostinacy", and "predictive", have been used to describe the meaning of modal /will/. None of these descriptions seems to cover the case of /will/ in the relative clause of sentences like those given in (1):
これまで,法助動詞 will の意味を記述するのにさまざまな用語が使われてきた.たとえば,「未来」「意志」「特徴」「習慣的な反復」「予測」といった用語だ.だが,こうした用語のどれ一つとして,(1) にあげた例文の関係節にみられる will をとらえないように思える:

(1) 〔※こっちは will を使っています〕
a. John hires anyone who will tell him some old war stories.
b. ?John hires anyone who will pass his screening test.
c. John hires anyone who will put a portion of his pay back into the business.

(2) 〔※こちらは will を使っていません〕
a. John hires anyone who tells him some old war stories.
b. John hires anyone who passes his screening test.
c. ?John hires anyone who puts a portion of his pay back into the business.

will がある方が適切な場合と,ない方が適切な場合があるのがわかります.さて――


The sentences in (2) difer from those in (1) in that the action described by the main clause (hiring) follows the action described by the relative clause (teling a war story, passing a test, putting pay back into the business) in the case of the senteces in (2), but precedes it in the case of the sentences in (1). This sequence of events expalains the oddnes of (1b) and of (2c). One might expect that there is a future tense lurking in the first set of sentences that is absent from the second.
例文 (2) では主節で記述される行動(雇うこと)の後に関係節で記述される行動(戦争話,試験合格,払い戻し)が続くのに対して,例文 (1) ではこの順序が逆になっている.この出来事の順序により,(1b) と (2c) のおかしさは説明できる.

(1a') If someone agrees to tell John some old war stories, then John hires him.
(2a') If someone tells John some old war stories, then John hires him.

It is not ordinarily possible to agree to pass a test (unless it is a ridiculously simple test), but it is possible to agree to put some of your pay back into a business. These observations would serve to explain why (1b) but not (1c) is strange. The oddity of (3a), and the naturalness of (3b), can be explained in a similar way.
ふつうは,試験に通るよう合意することはできない(ばかばかしいほど単純な試験ならともかく).だが,会社に給料の一部を返すのに合意することは可能だ.こうした観察を踏まえると,(1b) がおかしく (1c) がおかしくない理由の説明がえられる.また,(3a) のおかしさと (3b) の自然さも同じように説明できる.

a. ?John fires anyone who will tell him some old war stories.
b. John fires anyone who tells him some old war stories.

While it is not strange to get fired for something you have done, it is strange to do something so that you can be fired. And making the sort of agreement that /will/ indicate in this sentence is doing something in order to be fired.
やってしまったことのせいで解雇されるのはべつにおかしくないのに対して,解雇されうるようになにかをするのはおかしい.また,この文で will が示す合意とは,解雇されるためになにかをすることの合意になってしまう.

Sentence (4) is odd just because /be going to/ does not imply that there is any such agreement.
例文 (4) がおかしいのは,be going to はそうした合意があることを含意しないからだ.

(4) ?John hires anyone who is going to tell him some old war stories.

To make any sense, (4) would have to refer to a situation where John went about discovering people who intended to tell him a war story and then hired them. Note that /be going to/ in (4) is just as volitional and just indicative of the future as well as /will/ is in (1b).
どうにか解釈をつけるとすれば,(4) はじぶんに戦争話をしてくれる意図をもった人々をジョンがどういうわけか見つけて,それから彼らを雇うような状況を指示することになる.例文 (4) の be going to は,(1b) の will と同じように意志的だし未来を表してもいる点に注意されたい.