

「こんなんありますよ」とご教示いただいたので.Making the Social World: The Structure of Human Civilization作者: John R. Searle出版社/メーカー: Oxford Univ Pr発売日: 2011/08/01メディア: ペーパーバック購入: 1人 クリック: 22回この商品を含むブ…

not ... because の2とおりの解釈とその含意

ティム・ハーフォードの TED講演 (http://www.ted.com/talks/tim_harford.html) から: Now I'm not telling you this story because I think Archie Cochrane is a dude, although Archie Cochrane is a dude. I'm not even telling you the story because …



チラ裏:ピンカー 2011, p.194 についてる註

[n.12] Worst Things People Have Done: White 2010a. See also White, in press, for narratives of the events and more recent estimates. The Web site lists the numbers and sources that went into his estimates. ※White 2010a: http://users.erols.…