英語表現メモ:“He is the sort who makes lists and numbers his arguments.”


“He is the sort who makes lists and numbers his arguments.”

出典はマルコム・グラッドウェルの Blink です:

Paul Ekman is now in his sixties. He is clean-shaven, with closely set eyes and thick, prominent eyebrows, and although he is of medium build, he seems much larger: there is something stubborn and substantial in his demeanor. He grew up in Newark, New Jersey, the son of a pediatrician, and entered the University of Chicago at fifteen. He speaks deliberately. Before he laughs, he pauses slightly, as if waiting for permission. He is the sort who makes lists and numbers his arguments. His academic writing has an orderly logic to it; by the end of an Ekman essay, each stray objection and problem has gathered up and catalogued.
(Malcolm Gladwell, Blink, 2005: p.206)

