Chapter 14: REFORMING EDUCATION:[14-13]〜[14-20]























Teachers Are Central

Although creative ideas for reforming education come from many sources, only teachers can provide the insights that emerge from intensive, direct experience in the classroom itself. They bring to the task of reform a knowledge of students, craft, and school culture that others cannot. Moreover, reform cannot be imposed on teachers from the top down or the outside in. If teachers are not convinced of the merit of proposed changes, they are unlikely to implement them energetically. If they do not understand fully what is called for or have not been sufficiently well prepared to introduce new content and ways of teaching, reform measures will founder. In either case, the more teachers share in shaping reform measures and the more help they are given in implementing agreed-upon changes, the greater the probability that they will be able to make those improvements stick.

Although teachers are central to reform, they cannot be held solely responsible for achieving it. They need allies. Teachers alone cannot change the textbooks, install more sensible testing policies than are now in place, create administrative support systems, get the public to understand where reform is headed and why it takes time to get there, and raise the funds needed to pay for reform. Thus, school administrators and education policymakers need to support teachers. Teachers also need academic colleagues—scholars who are experts on relevant subject matter, child development, learning, and the educational potential of modern technologies. And they need the help and support of community leaders, business and labor leaders, and parents—for in the final analysis, educational reform is a shared responsibility. It is time for teachers to take more responsibility for the reform of education, but that in no way reduces the responsibility of others to do their part too.


Comprehensive Approaches Are Needed

Piecemeal reform measures beget piecemeal effects, if any. At the school district level, reform efforts should be inclusive: all grades, all subject domains, all streams. It is less demanding to concentrate on, say, improving third-grade reading, junior high school social studies, and biology for vocational students. But such unrelated changes are not likely to add up to curricula that are any more integrated, coherent, and effective than the fragmented, overburdened ones that now exist. Without a more sweeping approach, change will be constrained by having to fit within the boundaries of class periods, school subjects, sequences, and tracks that themselves may be a large part of the problem.

Nationwide, reform needs to be comprehensive in the sense of addressing all aspects of the system. Reform in science education depends on changing existing curricula from kindergarten through high school. But to make new curricula work, changes must also occur in the preparation of teachers, the content of textbooks and other learning materials, the use of technologies, the nature of testing, and the organization of schools. Furthermore, the changes need to be compatible, lest they cancel each other out.

Comprehensive reform does not imply going off in all directions at once. Rather, it demands that some steps occur before others, that some problems take precedence, and that resources be deployed strategically. Careful systemwide planning should precede action, and no aspect of planning is more crucial than setting priorities. Failure to set priorities can result in only a little change; setting the wrong priorities may leave the students worse off than before reform was undertaken.

Reform Must Focus on the Science Learning Needs of All Children

When demographic realities, national needs, and democratic values are taken into account, it becomes clear that the nation can no longer ignore the science education of any students. Race, language, sex, or economic circumstances must no longer be permitted to be factors in determining who does and who does not receive a good education in science, mathematics, and technology. To neglect the science education of any (as has happened too often to girls and minority students) is to deprive them of a basic education, handicap them for life, and deprive the nation of talented workers and informed citizens—a loss the nation can ill afford.

To reach all students means reforming the education of every strand of the student body—vocational, general, and college preparatory. For students who expect to go right to work after high school, a narrow focus on trade skills will no longer do; they need to acquire a strong base of scientific knowledge and of reasoning, communication, and learning skills. All college-bound students, quite apart from what they believe their majors will eventually turn out to be, need to enter college with an understanding of science, mathematics, and technology that they can build on and that will make it possible for them to elect a technical field. And undecided students need the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to enable them to move in any direction. The recommendations in this report, therefore, apply equally to all students.

Meeting the science learning needs of all children requires that society as a whole recognize that learning is, in a sense, the chief occupation of childhood. Play is important for its own sake and because it often leads to learning, and work for money can be instructive for children, but neither play nor employment can substitute for systematic study. Parents and citizens in general, therefore, must understand that a substantial portion of the energies of childhood have to be devoted to the task of learning.