
いなば先生からご教示いただいた論文 (pdf) をとりいそぎメモ:


(Following on Keynes’s Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren, this paper develops conjectures about the world we will leave to our grandchildren. It starts by outlining the 10 most important trends that have defined our economic, social, and political lives over the last 100 years. It then provides a framework for interpreting these trends, emphasizing the role of the expansion of political and civil rights and institutional changes in this process. It then uses this framework for extrapolating these 10 trends into the next 100 years.)


  • I. 過去100年間の10大潮流
    • 1. 権利革命 The rights revolution
    • 2. テクノロジーの進展 The sweep of technology
    • 3. たゆみない経済成長 Unrelented growth
    • 4. 歩調の異なる成長 Uneven growth
    • 5. 労働と賃金の変容 The transformation of work and wages
    • 6. 健康革命 The health revolution
    • 7. 国境なきテクノロジー Technology without borders
    • 8. 戦争の世紀,平和の世紀 Century of war, century of peace
    • 9. 政治における反-啓蒙 Counter-Enlightenment in politics
    • 10. 人口爆発・資源・環境 The population explosion, resource and the environment
  • II. 解釈枠組み An interpretative Framework
  • III. 次の世紀 The Century Ahead
    • 1. 権利革命は継続するか? The rights revolution continued?
    • 2. テクノロジーの未来 The future of technology
    • 3. 成長は停滞するか? Will growth relent?
    • 4. 成長の歩調はどれだけ異なるだろうか? How uneven will growth be?
    • 5. 労働の変容の継続 The transformation of work continued
    • 6. 健康革命の継続 The health revolution continued
    • 7. グローバル化の未来 The future of globalization
    • 8. 平和の世紀? The peaceful century?
    • 9. 反-啓蒙から啓蒙へ? From counter-Enlightenment to Enlightenment?
    • 10. 21世紀における人口・資源・環境 Population, resources and the environment in the 21st century

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