

(大澤『意味と他者性』,勁草書房,1994, pp.102-3.)

ようするに,構成的規則の書式「X counts as Y in context C」(文脈 C において X は Y とみなされる)と規制的規則の書式「If X, Do Y」はたがいに書き換えられる,したがって2つのタイプの規則は規則全般をもれなくダブりなく二分するわけではない,というわけです.

実は,このような指摘は元祖である Searle 1969 ですでにとりあげられています:

"X counts as Y in context C": This is not intended as a formal criterion for distinguishing constitutive and regulative rules. Any regulative rule could be twisted into this form, e.g., "Non-wearing of ties at dinner counts as wrong officer behavior". But here the noun phrase following "counts as" is used as a term of appraisal not of specification. Where the rule naturally can be phrased in this form and where the Y term is a specification, the rule is likely to be constitutive. But there are two qualifications that need to be made. First, since constitutive rules come in systems, it may be the whole system which exemplifies this form and not individual rules within the system. Thus, though rule 1 of basketball - the game is played with five players to a side - does not lend itself to this form, acting in accordance with all or a sufficiently large subset of the rules does count as playing basketball. And secondly, within systems the phrase which is the Y term will not in general simply be a label. It will mark something that has consequences. Thus "offside", "homerun", "touchdown", "checkmate" are not mere labels for the state of affairs that is specified by the X term, but they introduce further consequences, by way of, e.g., penalties, points, and winning and losing.
(Searle, Speech Acts, Cambridge University Press, 1969, p.36; 画像)