


(訳文はピンカー『言語を生みだす本能』上巻,p.87 より.一部,訳を改めた)


Among the many depressing things about this credulous transmission and elaboration of a false claim is that even if there were a large number of roots for different snow types in some Arctic language, this would not, objectively, be intellectually interesting; it would be a most mundane and unremarkable fact.

Horsebreeders have various names for breeds, sizes, and ages of horses; botanists have names for leaf shapes; interior decorators have names for shades of mauve; printers have many different names for different fonts (Caslon, Garamond, Helvetica, Times Roman, and so on), naturally enough. If these obvious truths of specialization are supposed to be interesting facts about language, thought, and culture, then I’m sorry, but include me out.

Would anyone think of writing about printers the same kind of slop we find written about Eskimo in bad linguistics textbooks? Take a random textbook like Paul Gaeng’s Introduction to the Principles of Language (1971), with its earnest assertion: “It is quite obvious that in the culture of the Eskimos … snow is of great enough importance to split up the conceptual sphere that corresponds to one word and one thought in English into several distinct classes …” (p. 137). Imagine reading: “It is quite obvious that in the culture of printers … fonts are of great enough importance to split up the conceptual sphere that corresponds to one word and one thought among non-printers into several distinct classes….” Utterly boring, even if true. Only the link to those legendary, promiscuous, blubbergnawing hunters of the ice-packs could permit something this trite to be presented to us for contemplation.

(PULLUM, GEOFFREY K. (1991). The Great Eskimo Vocabulary Hoax, and Other Irreverent Essays on the Study of Language. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.)