
追記:リフレ政策ポータルwiki に訳文を掲載しています:「デフレ:問題の概観」――この訳文は,hicksianさん,night_in_tunisiaさん,tmpsoulcageさんの手で最初のドラフトがつくられました.

via Hicksianさん@twitter

"Deflation - an outline of the problems" (PDF), Inflation Report, Sveriges Riksbank (2003/3).



1990年代のかなりの期間にわたり,世界経済において経済活動は総じて上向き,GDP は比較的急速に成長した.ところが,過去数年でこの傾向は逆転したようだ.GDP の成長は大半の国でかなりの下降をみせ,資源利用は低い水準にある(図1 を参照).スウェーデン経済ではこの傾向はわずかながらましなものとなっているが,しかし経済活動はいくぶん低迷している.同時に,世界経済が弱まるにつれ,インフレ率は多くの国で目について下がっている.これはとくに財の価格にあてはまり,アメリカとドイツでしばしば同時に下落している(図 B15 参照).そこで問題となるのは,アメリカとドイツは日本とおなじ運命をたどるリスクにさらされているのか,という点だ.両国は伝統的にグローバルな経済の成長を推進する原動力の役目を果たしていたが,アメリカとドイツには,日本のようにあきらかな低成長と全般的な物価水準の継続的な下落のリスクはあるのだろうか.


During a large part of the 1990s, the world economy experienced a general upturn in economic activity and relatively rapid GDP growth. However, over the past few years the trend appears to have turned. GDP growth has declined significantly in most countries and resource utilisation is now at a low level (see Figure 1). The trend in the Swedish economy has been slightly less negative, but there has been some slackening in economic activity. At the same time as the world economy has weakened, inflation rates in many countries have fallen appreciably. This applies in particular to goods prices, which have at times fallen in both the USA and Germany (see Figure B15). The question was then raised as to whether the USA and Germany, which are traditionally the driving forces behind global growth, were at risk of suffering the same fate as Japan, that is to say, tangibly weak growth and a prolonged fall in general price levels.

There is good reason to always bear in mind the risk of deflation, as a fall in general price levels tends to be linked to significant problems in the real economy. However, it may be worth emphasising that falling prices are not always cause for concern, although this is often the impression given in the general debate.


1. よいデフレとわるいデフレ (Good and bad deflation) → Hicksianさんがやってくださいました

2. デフレはなぜ問題なのか? (Why is deflation a problem?)

3. デフレ回避にできることは何か? (What can be done to avoid deflation?) → night_in_tunisiaさんやってくださいました

4. それでもデフレがおきたとき,何ができるか? (What can be done if deflation nevertheless occurs?) → 前半部分を Hicksian さんが進行中…



1. よいデフレとわるいデフレ (Good and bad deflation)


また,物価の傾向を左右しているのが需要側の変化なのか供給側の変化なのかを区別しておくのも重要だ.物価下落の期間がつづくとき,そのはじまりにあるのは,その経済において財の総供給に比べて総需要が顕著に不足しているという事態であることが多い.このタイプの状況は2つの理由で生じる:第一に,需要は大幅に減少しうるということ.たとえば,なんらかの理由で家計が消費を減らした結果として,需要は大きく減少しうる.第二に,供給は大幅に増加しうる.たとえば,技術進歩により生産性が上昇した結果として供給は増加しうる.需要減少と供給増加ともに,物価水準の下落につながりうる.しかし,需要〔の減少〕に起因するデフレが生産の低成長に結びついているのに対し,供給〔の増加〕に起因するデフレはその反対となる(これらの効果の概要は図 B16 と B17 を参照).生産への影響が異なるため,この2つのタイプのデフレはときに「よいデフレ」と「わるいデフレ」と称されることがある.純粋に供給〔の増加〕によるデフレはおそらくかなり稀な事態だが,過去数年にわたる中国の発展はこの実例にあたるだろう.以下の議論では,「デフレ」は有意に弱い需要と物価下落が比較的に長い期間にわたり継続することを指して用いる.これは国際的な経済論議で焦点をあてられている定義だ.

【図 B16. 総需要の下落の影響.物価水準と生産水準】

【図 B17. 総供給の増加の影響.物価水準と生産水準】

The first natural distinction between good and bad concerns the length of the period of falling prices. While a more prolonged period of deflation can often have a negative impact on the functioning of the economy, this need not be the case if the fall in prices is short-lived. An example of the latter can be found in the Swedish economy at the end of 1998 and beginning of 1999. At that time, inflation measured as the 12-month change in CPI was negative for a few months, partly because an easing in monetary policy meant lower interest expenditure for households. The fact that prices were falling led to a number of eye-catching media headlines on the threat of deflation, but the real economic consequences of the actual price fall were probably very limited. Long-term inflation expectations were relatively firmly anchored around the inflation target.

It is also important to distinguish between whether price trends are governed by developments on the demand side or on the supply side. A period of falling prices often originates from aggregate demand being significantly lower than the total supply of goods and services in the economy. This type of situation can arise for two reasons: One is that demand could fall heavily, for instance, as a result of households for some reason reducing their consumption. The other is that supply could increase significantly, for instance as a result of technological advances leading to increased productivity. Both reductions in demand and increases in supply can be linked to falling price levels. However, while demanddriven deflation is connected to a weak development in production, the opposite applies to supply-driven deflation (see Figures B16 and B17 for an outline of these effects). Because of the differences in the effects on production, these two types of deflation are sometimes referred to as ”bad deflation” and ”good deflation”. Purely supply-driven deflation is probably fairly unusual, although developments in China over the past few years could provide an example of this. In the following discussion, deflation refers to a relatively prolonged period of falling prices and markedly weak demand. This is the definition on which international economic debate focuses.