
いま訳読している論文で,フィルモアは if節の動詞の時間指示はもっぱら静態述語 vs. 動態述語のちがいで決まると述べています.つまり,

  • 静態述語+現在時制形式 (If she lives here I’ll get a chance to meet her. ) : 現在指示,中立的な認識的構え H
  • 動態述語+現在時制形式 (If she moves here I’ll get a chance to meet her. ) : 未来指示,中立的な認識的構え H
  • 静態述語+過去時制形式 (if you knew him you’d love him) : 現在指示,否定的な認識的構え C
  • 動態述語+過去時制形式 (if you met him you’d love him) : 未来指示,否定的な認識的構え C



If he had the photographs with him at the party tomorrow, I could finally see his grandson.
(B. Dancygier, Conditionals and Prediction, Cambridge University Press, 1998, p.32)

Conditionals and Prediction: Time, Knowledge and Causation in Conditional Constructions (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics)

Conditionals and Prediction: Time, Knowledge and Causation in Conditional Constructions (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics)