


A: もっとスピーカの音量あげてよ
B: いや,できないよ(そんなにあげたら隣に迷惑だから)
A: いや,できるだろ(まだつまみを回す余地があるから)




Bien sûr, je peux jouer au tennis demain, mais je t’avertis, je ne sais pas jouer!
‘Of course, I can play tennis tomorrow, but let me warn you, I cannot play!’
(Michel Achard, Representaion of Cognitive Structures: Syntax and Semantics of French Sentential Complements, Mouton de Gruyter, 1998, p.152;強調は引用者によるもの)

これは「完璧に適切」(perfectly felicitous) だそうです.

Savoir does not in any way consider the circumstances external to the activity profiled in the complement. The subject remains the locus of the potency expressed in the complement, even though that potency may not be realized due to adversary circumstances. On the other hand, the possibility sense of pouvoir pays no consideration to the subject's capacity.


CAN'Tの例:Monty Python's Flying Circus, "Non-illegal robbery" より

Boss: Five minutes overdue. You fool! You fool! All right ... we've no time to lose. Ken - shave all your hair off, get your passport and meet me at this address in Rio de Janeiro Tuesday night. Vic - go to East Africa, have plastic surgery and meet me there. Reg - go to Canada and work your way south to Nicaragua by July. Larry - you stay here as front man. Give us fifteen minutes then blow the building up. All right, make it fast.
5分の時間超過か! このバカヤロー! バカヤロー! よし,わかった.…俺たちには時間がないぞ.ケン,頭を全部剃れ,パスポートを持って,火曜日の夜にリオデジャネイロのこの住所で俺と落ち合うんだ.ヴィックは東アフリカに行け,そして整形手術を受けて,そこで俺と会うんだ.レグ,カナダに行って,そのまま7月まで地道にニカラグアに向かって南に進め.ラリー,お前は表向きの代表としてここに残れ.15分したらビルを爆破しろ.わかったな? よし,急げ!

Larry: I can't blow the building up.

Boss: Why not?

Larry: It's illegal.

Boss: Oh bloody hell. Well we'd better give ourselves up then.
チクショウ! それじゃ,自首するしかねぇな.

Reg: We can't, Boss.

Boss: Why not?

Reg: We haven't done anything illegal.
