
※"Charades does not reveal a universal sentence structure"より引用:

  • Uncontroversial observation number 1) Plays tend to start with a list of characters. And when we tell a story, we tend to introduce characters before connecting them. And when we describe pictures verbally or in writing, we tend to describe the objects and characters and then how they relate. ("There's a bear and there's a rabbit and the bear is hugging the rabbit")
  • Uncontroversial observation number 2) We tend to give priority to characters that act rather than characters that are acted on. And in casual conversation, stories, and descriptions, we tend to mention more important things before less important things.

So now it turns out that people tend to mime Subjects, then Objects, then Verbs. Of course it is not appropriate to describe the mimes as Subjects, Objects, or Verbs, since they're not part of a language, but let's ignore that. The SOV order observed could perhaps be explained without any reference to syntax: all the characters before the action or relation because of (1); and agents before patients because of (2).

