ジミー・ウェールズ on 「中立性」

Everything is Miscellaneous より,Wikipedia創始者であるジミー・ウェールズの発言:



Neutrality is a tough term. The existentialism of the 1950s, the New Journalism of the 1960s, and contemporary postmodernism have all told us not only that humans can't ever be neutral but also that the claim of neutrality is frequently a weapon institutions use to maintain their position of power and priviledge. The first time I talked with Jimmy Wales, I started to ask him about the impossibility of neutrality. Wales politely and quickly cut me off. "I'm not all that interested in French philosophy," he said. "An article is neutral when people have stopped changing it."

This is a brilliant operational definition of neutrality, one that makes it a function of social interaction, not a quality of writing to be judged from on high. And Wikipedia's approach usually works quite well. (...)

(David Weinberger, Everything is Miscellaneous, pp.136-7)

Everything Is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder

Everything Is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder

David Weinberger @Google Tech Talks

下記の動画では Everything Is Miscellaneous のエッセンスをワインバーガー本人が話しています:
